Success Stories

Jillian F:

“Never give up, never give in. Last year, around this time, I felt great. In shape, ready for summer and boating season, confident in my self and my body. And then I took progress photos this month, 1 year later. And I’m ecstatic and surprised and amazed- at how much stronger, leaner and fitter I’ve become. Two years of hard work and pushing myself with training and maintaining my nutrition with the help of CMG Health & Fitness! I feel so good, and am so proud of myself for how far I’ve come! (Remember when I first started training with you and I couldn’t even hold a wine bottle with my left hand). Life is good!”

Chrissy’s note: In January 2015, Jill suffered a complete fracture of her left humerus, which ended up leaving her with nerve damage so bad that she could barely grip things with her left hand. She’s left-handed, so it was especially tough!! What started as regaining strength and getting ready for her wedding, turned into 2+ years of amazing progress and hard work. She currently benches 90lbs, squats 140lbs, and deadlifts 175lbs!


L-R: Feb 2016, Apr 2017, Apr 2018

Sara S:

“Chrissy was so great to work with and I’m so glad I signed up with her. I was already in a habit of working out but I wanted to add more strength training and focus my nutrition. She helped me increase my veggie intake and protein intake. Her approach to nutrition is intuitive and non-destructive, which worked well for me. I gained strength as well as lost 10 pounds and multiple inches on my hips and waist. I not only looked and felt great for my wedding day but I formed habits that I will continue to work on forever. I am so grateful for my time with Chrissy.”

Left side in each photo is the before (Feb 2019); right side is the after! (Aug 2019)


Nicole G:

“If you’re looking for a personal trainer with a positive attitude who is completely focused on what works best for YOUR body and YOUR needs, Chrissy is the one. She structures each workout specifically to your targeted muscles and adds in exercises to make sure no muscles get left behind. She’s always there to answer any questions, no matter what it is. She’s motivational and realistic in her expectations but also understands that sometimes life gets in the way. I would highly recommend her if you’re looking for someone who is going to give you real, achievable goals to a healthier lifestyle.”


Ashley C:

I worked with Chrissy/CMGH&F for 4 months and I couldn’t be happier! What I’ve gained in motivation, confidence, strength, and positive-eating habits is immense.  You definitely get from training what you put in, but Chrissy makes the rest so easy. If you’re looking for a program that gives you life-long habits and lifestyle changes, CMGH&F is the best!”

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