Work With Me

Online Coaching Prices

Exercise Coaching: $100/month

Nutrition Coaching: $100/month

Combo Exercise & Nutrition Coaching: $150/month

“Sweating for the Wedding” Package: $300/3 months

Package Descriptions

Exercise Coaching: Exercise programming provided on a monthly basis based on your personal goals. May require weight check-ins, progress pictures, measurements, and/or workout videos.

Nutrition Coaching: Education and guidance with your nutrition provided on a monthly basis. The goal with this is to help you make positive lifestyle changes based on your personal goals. May require daily food logging and weight check-ins.

Exercise and Nutrition Coaching: The best deal! Everything included in the individual exercise and nutrition coaching put together. I will provide nutrition guidance as well as exercise programming. May require food logging, weight check-ins, progress pictures, and workout videos.

“Sweating for the Wedding” Package: A 3-month commitment designed to help you get ready for the big day! You will get exercise programming and nutrition guidance. A great deal for brides, grooms, members of the bridal party, groomsmen, and parents of the bride and groom. You get everything included in exercise and nutrition coaching, at a major discount. Can do multiple packages back-to-back!

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